Brendan – Alum Success Story

Brendan – Alum Success Story

Brendan’s Story

“The biggest thing I got out of Hanna was learning how to take time to assess and make choices for my life going forward. I was able to gain mentorship and guidance from the teachers and staff within Hanna, which helped me make the big decisions in my life moving forward. The most impactful thing I learned at Hanna was the value of mentorship. I took this lesson with me when I left, and it has helped me make numerous connections with people and even helped me get my job as a tutor, as well as my current internship.

This past school year has had its highs and lows. In the fall semester, I was very stressed because I had to enroll in a lot of difficult classes in order to transfer this year. But looking toward my next semester, I feel as if I have a better understanding of my capabilities with time commitments and how many activities and classes I can take on without feeling overwhelmed.

The most interesting things I have been doing this year have involved my internship. I have been working as a research assistant on a nuclear physics experiment called nEXO. I have been working on a research project and have had access to physicists who have been offering guidance and mentorship in my academic journey. I have also been given the opportunity to attend conferences to talk and learn from other scientists and students. I was also able to present my research at a couple of the conferences and I have received rewards for my work and other internship offers.

I have also been involved heavily within the STEM community at my community college. I started and am the vice president of the physics and astronomy club and help facilitate community events with other clubs at my school. In the fall, I submitted six college applications. I was shocked in the spring when I found out I got into every school I applied to. I plan on enrolling at the University of California Berkeley.”

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