“Hanna really set me up for life in ways I didn’t expect. They taught me to look out for others and be part of something bigger than myself.”
~Jesus T. , 2016 Graduate

My time since Hanna has been pretty wild. College has been a real rollercoaster, not gonna lie. Last semester was super intense – three science classes at once was rough. But I made it through, even if my grades weren’t always perfect. I’m learning to cut myself some slack; can’t always be a perfectionist.

Hanna really set me up for life in ways I didn’t expect. They taught me to look out for others and be part of something bigger than myself. It’s not always about material things—sometimes, just giving someone your time or understanding can make a huge difference.

My best memories at Hanna? There are so many. The people there were amazing. But if I had to pick one moment, it’d be our basketball season. We almost won the championship! We lost at the last minute, but just getting that far with my brothers was incredible.

Since leaving Hanna, I’ve been grinding at school, doing some volunteer work, and trying to get into a CNA program. It’s a lot, but I’m making it work. I’m also waiting to start therapy soon, which should be good for my mental health.

Looking back, Hanna gave me so much. It was far from home, which was tough at the time, but that distance kept me safe and helped me grow. Now I’m out here, trying to make the most of what they taught me. It’s not always easy, but I’m grateful for the foundation they gave me.