
Hanna Center grant will help fund mental health hub

It helps the center to break down silos between providers and create a comprehensive webof support for each client, with a goal of increasing health outcomes and decreasing healthdisparities among the highest-need families in Sonoma Valley. |

Hanna Center was named a grant recipient of the State of California Department of HealthCare Services “Providing Access and Transforming Health (PATH) Capacity andInfrastructure, Transition, Expansion and Development (CITED)” initiative.

The department awarded a total of $119 million to 98 organizations across California that willleverage grant dollars to help deliver Enhanced Care Management (ECM) and communitysupport to Medi-Cal members.

“…the dollar amount of each award was not made public by the funder; therefore, at thistime, we want to be sensitive and respectful of our fellow Sonoma community nonprofitpartners who also received funding,” said spokeswoman Jill Wallace-Cooper while decliningto say exactly how much Hanna received.

Hanna will use grant funds to build the capacity and infrastructure of a new CommunityMental Health Hub at Hanna, scheduled to open to the public in May. The Hub willdramatically increase Hanna’s ability to provide trauma-informed preventative care and early interventions to our students, community youth, adults, and local families.

“The funds received from this grant,” said Cameron Safarloo, CEO of Hanna Center, “willgreatly support our efforts to improve and build the capacity of the Community Mental HealthHub, strengthening our alignment with community partners to best provide services to meetthe critical mental health needs of the unserved and underserved population in SonomaValley.”

CITED funding will help Hanna build capacity, allowing the center to break down silosbetween providers and create a comprehensive web of support for each client, with a goal ofincreasing health outcomes and decreasing health disparities among the highest-needfamilies in Sonoma Valley.

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