Hanna Alum Scholarship Day-7-24

Hanna Center Honors Legacy With Annual Scholarship Program For Alumni

Sonoma, CA July 2024 – Hanna Center comes alive yearly for Scholarship Day, a cherished 70-year tradition celebrating the Sisters of St. Francis Scholarship Program. Our dedicated staff, board members, and alumni unite for this inspiring event where Hanna graduates courageously share their aspirations and seek support for their higher education journeys. More than just a ceremony, it’s a powerful affirmation of resilience – honoring young people who, despite past traumas, embrace hope and envision bright futures.

Eligible candidates must be Hanna Center program graduates who demonstrate a desire for further education. The application process includes a written submission and an interview with the scholarship committee. Today, interviews were conducted both remotely and in person. Panels included staff, board members, stakeholders, and alumni. Individual awards will be announced next week.

Alumni are pursuing various educational goals, including associate degrees, bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees, doctorates (including JD), and trade school certifications.

Established in 1952, the scholarship program has awarded hundreds of scholarships to date. With an average annual scholarship fund of $250,000, the program has significantly impacted alumni success. Graduates have completed degrees from institutions such as the University of California at Berkeley, St. John’s University, Howard University, Sonoma State University, Clark Atlanta, Pima Medical, CSU Fullerton, Skyline, and more.

Trish Goodwin, Director of Transitional Programs and Alumni Relations, remarked: “The scholarship interview day never fails to inspire all who are fortunate enough to participate in this process. Seeing our alumni return, so excited and ready to share their journeys, is a powerful reminder of why we do this work. Their growth and determination to further their education is truly heartening.”

Cameron Safarloo, CEO of Hanna Center, reflects on the program’s impact: “Witnessing our alumni return to campus, each with a unique story of personal growth, fills all of us with immense pride. Their pursuit of higher education isn’t just about academic achievement—it’s a testament to their resilience and another step forward towards building meaningful lives. These scholarships have, and always will be, catalysts for continued transformation.”

The Sisters of St. Francis Scholarship Program continues to be a cornerstone of Hanna Center’s commitment to fostering lifelong success for its alumni.

About Hanna Center
Hanna Center is committed to addressing traumas that impact our community. Our Community Mental Health Hub provides all individuals with bilingual and culturally sensitive one-on-one clinical care. Our Residential Program provides safe and supportive housing and treatment for transitional-aged foster youth while Hanna Institute develops innovative methodologies and trauma-informed practices to inform our own work on campus and across the country. Hanna Academy, our community partner, is a nonpublic high school that educates, prepares and empowers students with learning and emotional challenges to succeed in school and life by developing their unique and individual talents and gifts. Connecting it all: a dedicated Hanna team comprised of counselors, educators, scholars, and leaders. For more information, visit hannacenter.org.

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