“The chore structure there instilled a strong work ethic and independent living skills that I use daily. Simple things like cleaning, laundry, and cooking – Hanna taught me all that.”
~Marcus M., 2021 Graduate

My first year of college at SF State was a rollercoaster. Coming from the structured environment of Hanna to a huge campus was overwhelming at first. I struggled with my initial music major and the social atmosphere, but I’ve grown a lot through these challenges.

Hanna prepared me in ways I didn’t fully appreciate until now. The chore structure there instilled a strong work ethic and independent living skills that I use daily. Simple things like cleaning, laundry, and cooking – Hanna taught me all that.

Some of my best memories at Hanna were the hilarious conversations in the cafeteria with friends. We didn’t realize then how much we’d cherish those moments. I’ll never forget building a makeshift studio in the music room and creating a hilariously bad song for a project that somehow earned an A.

Now, I’m exploring new majors like Kinesiology, Child Development, and Broadcast Communication. I’m unsure which path to choose, but I’m excited to find out and appreciate the opportunity to apply for a scholarship to help pay for books and classes. Hanna gave me the confidence to adapt and pursue new interests.

While college has its challenges, I’m grateful for the foundation Hanna provided. It’s helped me navigate this new chapter, make friends, and find my place. I’m looking forward to what comes next because I am more confident than ever that I have the skills to handle whatever life throws my way.