Healing TOGETHER Part 1: Mitigating the Impact of Trauma Through Building & Repairing Relationships
In this program, participants will journey to understand the intricacies of their professional roots and practices. Delving deep into the effects of trauma, the course will reveal how it shapes the brain, body, and behavior. The Attachment-Regulation-Competency (ARC) framework is central to our exploration, a transformative approach that mitigates trauma impacts and fosters enhanced resiliency. As we navigate these complex topics, the importance of forging connections and embracing compassion will be underscored. Attendees will also be equipped with practical de-escalation strategies and encouraged to reflect on how their organizations can champion ARC and Healing-Centered practices, ensuring a holistic and supportive professional environment.
Helping you help others
Hanna Institute equips and empowers individuals and organizations with the trauma-informed tools they need to help people in their community.
We’re confident our cutting-edge research and world-class trainings can radically transform your organization, the services you provide your own clients, and the communities your work impacts.
- Our bilingual and bicultural trainings place equity at the center of our work.
- Coursework approved for continuing education credit for a variety of professionals.