News and Articles
Everything’s happening at Hanna.

Unseen Child Abuse – Pay Attention to Subtle Signs
Congrats to Dr. Pillay for the publication of her article, ‘Unseen Child Abuse – Pay Attention to Subtle Signs’ in the April 2023 issue of Sonoma Family Life!

Why We Need to Talk About Men’s Mental Health
From a very young age, men are told they must be strong. Boys are often raised within very specific conceptual frameworks regarding gender roles.

Clark Wolf – KSRO News Talk
Recently, Hanna High School Principal, Courtney Jackson, and Elise Gonzales, Culinary Program Director, and culinary student, Alex, sat down with Clark Wolf, host of KSRO’s “At the Table with Clark Wolf,” to discuss in detail the school’s Culinary/Hospitality program.

Revved Up for a Fun Afternoon!
Substance use among youth is among the most frightening and confusing challenges a care provider, family member, or loved one can encounter.

The Dangers of Substance Use Among Youth: Why It’s Time to Act
Substance use among youth is among the most frightening and confusing challenges a care provider, family member, or loved one can encounter.

Hanna Center grant will help fund mental health hub
It helps the center to break down silos between providers and create a comprehensive webof support for each client, with a goal of increasing health outcomes and decreasing healthdisparities among the highest-need families in Sonoma Valley.

International Transgender Day of Visibility: The simplicity of giving space
When you look in the mirror, do you recognize who you see? Do you feel comfortable in your skin? Do you ever question who you see in the mirror, who you are as a person?

Nonprofit furnishes Sonoma shelter – The PressDemocrat
Bay Area nonprofit Make it Home has furnished 35 rooms at the Hanna Center’s Sonomacampus over the past six months.
As Nuns Fire anniversary approaches, Sonoma wrapschildren in services
When the Nuns Fire began north of Glen Ellen in 2017, Chimo, then a 13-year-old at HannaCenter High School, wondered if the world was ending.

Sonoma Family Life March 2023
Parents approach preschool prep differently. Some eagerly jot down a list of all the things their child should know or be able to do before entering preschool.

30 alumni apply for Hanna Center scholarships
Nearly 30 Hanna Center alumni have applied to participate in the organization’s annual scholarship program.

Sonomanews 30 Alumni Apply for Hanna Center Scholarships
Nearly 30 Hanna Center alumni have applied to participate in the organization’s annualscholarship program.

Commentary: Healing the world with kindness
Today I want to talk about how kindness has changed a life and how this example couldinspire others to change a nation.

Close to Home: Childhood trauma is a public healthcrisis
It’s important to shine a light on a branch of psychology that gets little attention but has far-reaching societal implications.

Hard truths of Black History Month
Black history is American history. It is important to start there as there is a tide in this countrythat is approaching with the recklessness of a tsunami.