News & Events
Everything’s happening at Hanna.
In the News
Hanna Center Honors Legacy With Annual Scholarship Program For Alumni
Hanna Center comes alive yearly for Scholarship Day, a cherished 70-year tradition celebrating the Sisters of St. Francis Scholarship Program. Our dedicated staff, board members, and alumni unite for this inspiring event where Hanna graduates courageously share their aspirations and seek support for their higher education journeys.
Hanna Academy welcomes students to new residential program
Hanna Academy has enrolled five students from outside the Sonoma Valley area in its new residential program and has received approximately 22 referrals for additional students to participate in it.
Supporting Students in Their Back-to-School Transition
Hanna Academy’s Director of Special Education, Chrissy Brady, has an article published in the August issue of Sonoma Family Magazine. ‘Back-to-School’ tips for kids who may be struggling in school; how can adults help children who may have a hard time at school, get ready to go back to school?
Click here to read the latest Hanna Center Quarterly Newsletter.
First Annual Hanna Academy Crab Feed
Hanna Center Auditorium, 17000 Arnold Drive, Sonoma, CA 95476Join us for an unforgettable evening of crab-cracking, toe-tapping, and fund-raising. Enjoy a night of fun with friends and community while supporting our community partner Hanna Academy’s mission to educate, prepare, and empower students to succeed in school and life by developing their unique and individual talents and gifts.
All Stories
Supporting New Moms Through Postpartum Depression
Sadness isn’t necessarily the first feeling we think of when a baby is born. However, even in the happiest, healthiest, most prepared for births, the ordeal of pregnancy, labor, and becoming a mom (for the first time or not), is a massive shift for anyone — often the biggest shift in someone’s life.
Physical Activity and Mental Health in Youth
Our youth face plenty of distractions and ways to be inactive. With so much time spent in front of screens, it’s no wonder that, according to the Journal of Adolescent Health, only 27% of high school students in the United States meet the recommended levels of physical activity.
Stress Awareness
Are you ok? Do you want to take some time for yourself? You may have heard or even asked yourself these questions on occasion. The irony of stress is that it can be confusing to understand but easy to recognize.
Helping Teens Find Their Inner Voice
While we struggle to feel a sense of connectedness in this fast-paced world of downloads, streaming services, and twenty-four-hour news cycles, it is important to remember that teens are also trying to find themselves amidst the chaos.
Q and A with Chrissy Brady Director of Special Education
What changed when Archbishop Hanna High School officially became the non-public school, Hanna Academy, in the summer of 2023?
Second Quarter Curriculum Spotlight Spring 2024
A V I S I TO R TO M R . B I L B E R R Y ’ S S C I E N C E L A B would witness a lively classroom with students working
independently and in groups, collaborating on applying what they’ve learned in school all week: