Our Blog

Mental Health Stigma and Barriers

Even during Mental Health Awareness month, it can be hard to raise your hand and ask for help. And that’s not surprising. Despite all the progress we’ve seen in making room for people to seek help, mental health issues still carry an unwarranted stigma — preventing people from seeking the support they need.

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How Physical Activity Affects Youth Mental Health

Our youth face plenty of distractions and ways to be inactive. With so much time spent in front of screens, it’s no wonder that, according to the Journal of Adolescent Health, only 27% of high school students in the United States meet the recommended levels of physical activity.

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Join Us For Mental Health Awareness Month

Throughout the month of May, we’re working to raise awareness of one of the most pressing crises of our time: mental health. For too long in our society, mental health has been viewed as a secondary concern or even ignored.

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Clark Wolf – KSRO News Talk

Recently, Hanna High School Principal, Courtney Jackson, and Elise Gonzales, Culinary Program Director, and culinary student, Alex, sat down with Clark Wolf, host of KSRO’s “At the Table with Clark Wolf,” to discuss in detail the school’s Culinary/Hospitality program.

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Brendan – Alum Success Story

Brendan – Alum Success Story

The biggest thing I got out of Hanna was learning how to take time to assess and make choices for my life going forward. I was able to gain mentorship and guidance from the teachers and staff within Hanna, which helped me make big decisions in my life moving forward.

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Arthur – Alum Success Story

Arthur – Alum Success Story

I was with Hanna for five total years, graduating in 2017. During my stay, I was fortunate to have many staff and peers who really believed in me and pushed me to improve. One major skill I learned at Hanna is time management which has helped me be productive since leaving.

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