Christian Ochoa – Student Profile
Christian is a junior at Hanna Center’s High School and is celebrating two recent back-to-back wins, including earning his driver’s permit and securing his first part-time job at Ledson Winery.
Christian is a junior at Hanna Center’s High School and is celebrating two recent back-to-back wins, including earning his driver’s permit and securing his first part-time job at Ledson Winery.
“Hanna helped me learn how to persevere in school,” Angel says. “I lost some of what I learned when I first graduated, but I’ve been able to re-visit things that they taught me.
Is your drinking or using bothering you?
Is it becoming less fun and more trouble?
Monthly parenting workshops are open to the public and free to attend.
The instructor combines mindfulness, breathing and gentle yoga poses that bring focus to the parent-child relationship.
Hanna Center is a proud grant recipient of the State of California Department of Health Care Services ‘Providing Access and Transforming Health (PATH) Capacity and Infrastructure, Transition, Expansion and Development (CITED)’ initiative’s Round 1A funding.
Luis is a 17-year-old senior at Hanna Center’s High School, having arrived on campus four years ago. He is from Santa Rosa, but he spent his early years with his grandmother in Mexico on her farm.
That quote, coined by American Theologist Harvey Cox implies that that is the way life is. We are in constant movement. We never remain still.
John the Baptist pointed out Jesus as the “Lamb of God.” At that time, the first two apostles started walking after Jesus.
It was July, 1963 and after spending his 12th birthday in juvenile hall for vandalism and malicious mischief, Roger Harrison soon found his way to Hanna.